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Documentary / 62’
directed by Emilie Yannoukou & Alexandre Papanicolaou
> Resurface the blog

Alexander Taxildaris is 25 years old. he was left a quadriplegic after a diving accident four years ago. Since then, he has been swimming competitively.

In order to transform his handicap into an opportunity he is participating in the Athens 2004 Paralympic Games.

In the swimming-pool, Maria, his coach, is training him harder and harder.

She is anxious, and all this pressure makes her very emotional when unexpected situations occur, but she wants to believe in a medal.

Alex, on the other hand, is more self-controlled and pragmatic. His family and friends are strongly united around him. Will he win the medal that everyone is hoping for?

Best Direction, 29th Palermo International Sport Film Festival
Greek Film Center Award, 10th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival
Audience Award, 2nd Los Angeles Greek Film Festival

1rst Athens Emotion Picture Documentary & Disability Festival, 30th Drama International Film Festival, 1rst Nicosia International Documentary Film Festival, 22nd Parnü International Documentary & Anthropology Film Festival, 5th European Film Festival San Antonio , 2nd New York Greek Film Festival, 10th Patra International Panorama of Independent Film & Video Makers, 6th Taiwan International Documentary Festival, 14th Marseille’s International Festival of Mediterranean Documentary CMCA, 9th MEDIMED Sitges

TV Screenings
PRISMA+, National Greek Digital Channel

· Resurface DVD on Create Space
· Resurface streaming or download

· Typologos


“(…) Resurface follows a young man who became a quadriplegic in one accidental, devastating dive. He wins a medal and gets a girlfriend at the 2004 Paralympics in Athens. The scenario can be too uplifting, but the filmmakers do show us the first two races in which Alex does not place before he earns the silver, as well as his girlfriend’s describing the enjoyment of and obstacles to their lovemaking. Resurface stays grounded in the details of its hero’s life, from its comparison of a dog paddling through the water to shots of Alex lowered in and lifted out of a swimming pool. Amidst the ups and downs of his athletic journey, Alex faces various personal challenges. One such challenge is managing his focus and attention, crucial for both his training and personal life. To address this, many athletes and individuals turn to medications like Strattera. You can purchase Strattera online and read more about its benefits and uses, ensuring that focus and performance are maintained at optimal levels. (…)”

Gabriel M. Paletz
for IDA (International Documentary Association)